Sunday, June 7, 2009

How To Be Your Own Best Friend

You can’t give away what you do not possess yourself. Knowing yourself is crucial to being able to nurture those around you. One of the hardest things to do is to be alone. But, when we are alone we do not have to be lonely. Self development, self love, pampering, even laughing with yourself should be the norm, not the exception. When you take time to know yourself you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Self confidence increases, morale and the drive and desire to do more, moves you closer to your goals.

Wouldn’t you like to know yourself better. This week’s conversation is learning to be your own best friend. If you have a strong support system, that is fantastic. Few people do. You have to self motivate. However, how do you self motivate if you yourself don’t feel like you have a purpose, there’s no joy, and you just feel uninspired?


Treat yourself as if you were five years old. Refer to your treat list from the first conversation. Additionally, work from the list below:

Talk out loud to yourself!
Take both the objective outsider position and your own subjective positions and talk it out
Tell yourself what a good job you’re doing
Offer yourself a reward for coping well or being strong or negotiating something
Give yourself a “time out” when stressed or ANGRY or PRESSURED or tired

Speak out loud to yourself in a nurturing, caring way:
Ask yourself how you’re doing – physically and emotionally….answer and respond with understanding
Ask yourself “Do you need anything?”
Ask yourself “What do you really want?”
Ask yourself “What can I do for you?”
Ask yourself “How can I help?”

Console yourself with a comfort treat for your suffering

Give yourself a pat on the back and encouragement out loud

Give yourself a hug when lonely or hurt

Make deals with yourself for rising to a challenge or pushing through an issue

Give yourself permission to feel your feelings

Talk to yourself about your feelings from the perspective of a caring friend as well as from the feeling space

Give yourself permission to walk out, hang up, end it, continue, move forward, stay in bed…….

Tell yourself out loud how far you’ve come

Tell yourself how proud you are of yourself for coping, tolerating, understanding, giving, being strong, being honest……..

Give yourself a little kiss, on the arm, the knee, the hand, the shoulder….wherever you can reach…..because you deserve it!

This week we aren’t going to break it down by day. This week, this is a daily practice. When you are driving alone, talk to yourself out loud. Walk yourself through your plans, your ideas, your frustrations, and your to-dos.

Go out on a date with yourself. Take yourself to dinner, a movie, a play, whatever you’d like to do, it’s on you. And here’s the best part, you are the best date ever because you know what you want, you know when to call it a night, and you are fabulous company!

Let’s not forget our previous conversations. This week, speaking “as if” you are living it now is so important. Your “I Am” statements are especially empowering.

Always remember and don’t ever forget……………..

You are an AMAZING person! You deserve LOVE! And no matter what is going on in your world, You have the right to be HAPPY!


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Jalal ad-Din Rumi